Thursday, June 18, 2015

School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI Survey.

I have come up with a survey which can help me to ascertain whether a person can or cannot be a suitable student for SOTRI and/or for The Remote Influencer Training Program/me - TRITP. This is the first survey I have created. I will create more surveys over the course of time. Ideal candidates would answer yes to at least seven out of the eleven yes or no questions below. I can also send over a PDF version if you so desire. 

If you would like to complete the survey via e-mail - which would be the ideal method, please e-mail me over your answers. You could list the survey questions by number and you could write your yes or no answers next to the corresponding question numbers.

Q. 1. Do you create documents on topics of interest to you?


Q. 2. Do you use CD's, DVD's, USB flash drives, External Hard drives or your PC hard drive to store information onto?


Q. 3. Do you like to research topics which are of interest to you?


Q. 4. Do you think that learning and training can only happen through formal or traditional institutions, training providers etc?


Q. 5. Do you like to learn about things from the comfort of your own home?


Q. 6. Do you feel that research can only be conducted by phd's?


Q. 7. Do you use Facebook?


Q. 8. Have you occasionally found interesting info, links, posts etc through Facebook?


Q. 9. Do you find it challenging and/or stressful to complete projects you are assigned to?


Q. 10. When you are working on a project can you maintain focus?


Q. 11. Do you believe a person can improve themselves through their own self directed efforts?



  1. Answers to the Q & A by Mr. John Motshawe:
    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Yes
    4. No
    5. Yes
    6. No
    7. Yes
    8. Yes
    9. No
    10. Yes
    11. Yes

    1. Thanks John

      Your data is very helpful. I hope others will be kind enough to take part in my survey also. Facebook and Google are great tools. They helped me with this DIY research project.

  2. 1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Yes
    4. No
    5. Yes
    6. No
    7. Yes
    8. Yes
    9. Yes
    10. Yes
    11. Yes

  3. Hello Calum

    Thanks for completing the survey. I will use the data to help generate ideas which can help to improve SOTRI. Isn't the internet amazing. In the old days, I would had to have created a paper based survey. I am helping the environment through the use of my e-survey.
